Is UK law idealistic ?

Zulfiqar Ali  

The first madni State was real idealistic and Welfare state of Islamic history which. Established, structured and fully

implemented by holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH). after the tragic death of holy prophet Muhammad the real, welfare, ideal, successful State then maintain the first pious caliph HazratAbu-Bakrsiddique (R) and the rest three pious and ideal great, memorable holy Personalities of Islam. There is no such ideal welfare, Successful and fully law implemented country In the map of world even Islamic world and western world. Thosvisionable or literate person who settled or Visited Islamic world or western world UK USA and Europe. There’s no law implementation of the real Spirit of law constitution even Saudi Arabia, Emirate, united kingdom. America and EuropeanUnion.Islam and Islamic teaching of holy and universal book Quran Pressed and insist to abide Islamic principles by Protecting human rights and stop violation of any type of Social, Justice, political, financial mostly citizen of Pakistan and other Islamic and secular world appreciate and Praising united kingdom. Europe and United States of America by Saying UK, US, Europe Saudiarabetc rules and state institutes are abiding law and constitution. This impression is totally wrong. The writer is disagreeing with this concept of law abiding impression. There are many Innocent and unsinnerCitizen in The Jails of united state and United Kingdom which facing imprisonment of Pain and very tragic situation. UK and US

Courts knew well the many prisoners. areunsinner and innocent in their Countries Jails but they closed them in locker and imprisonment. British known for best human rights.Butthe writer rejects this point by saying and giving solid logic in the favor of my argument.

However in some of very rare cases law implemented in above developed Countries Partially. The British empire abolished law even in their past colonial States. They implemented everything by force and cheated muslim rulers. And snatched the power government and even wealth and Properties of State People. These immigrants which settled and Migrated and especially in United Kingdom mostly deliver reason in the favor of UK law and Constitution which is wrong based on lie and false realities in 2017 UK home office which control uk border management and monitoring immigrants Statitistis come and out or exit,

Home office or United Kingdom border agency

Authorities avoid to Pass law abiding according law and rule and regulations. In 2017 United Kingdom border authorities Border agency deported and removed more than 65000 illegal immigrants in chartered Planes by abolishing UK law unlawfully. Before this illegal and unlawful Steps of UK border agency the united kingdom, Supreme court decided that those illegal immigrants which living in UK since years will not be deported or removed from United Kingdom and will be giving rights to stay legally in UK in any way. Despite the Supreme Court legal decision home office removed so may gentle innocent and clean handed peoples. Specially and destroyed their future career. The writer of article is self-Qualified Person, Journalist Past college lecturer also victim of UK human rights violations. The Home office avoid to give any right of & legal Staying to writer and So many peaceful and having strong moral good healthy character and reputation. UK home office department criminal on right legal route, Butvictimized thousand educated having Sound and spotless healthy youngers. UK border agency does not over view to the illegal cases of illegal immigrants with the angle of Jelouse and racism have no legal team or lawyers.

Home office Staff misbehaving immigrants.Specially illegal and overStaying people or illegal immigrants those who wish and struggled to legalize their self. Home office Staff are very bitterand rude. This is the negative and dark shape of UK border agency. UK govt and Home office always seeks also their national interests. The writer also agree with above sight of 2017,more than 65000 illegal but very Qualified Persons belong to respectable families removed “unlawfully by Border agency to their homelands. The legal experts expressed over this unlawful decision of home office. Such situation is in the Europe, America and Islamic world also decent and civilized countries are not found in the Present time.if the united kingdom border agency ignore his own Country Supreme Court decision how a visionable and responsible Person favored such unlawful step and re Jects fully Justice Supreme Court decision. Infact UK have no law impel menting country in real meaning. 7 years ago removed illegal immigrants also not given right of appeal and Judicial review to stay in UK legally and make their future Career. In immigrants cases UK home office by pass in ignore supreme court decisions also in 2017 UK border agency kept correspondence courtroom removal of illegal immigrants cases removal from out side UK.