Tensions Rise in Azad Kashmir as Public Protests Escalate

Mong (NNP) Amid escalating public protests and mounting tension in Azad Kashmir, concerns over the deployment of paramilitary forces have been voiced by Ms. Khola Khan, Chairperson of the Mang Foundation and former General Secretary of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Women’s Wing.

In a recent statement, Ms. Khan expressed apprehensions regarding the disturbance of the peaceful atmosphere in Azad Kashmir and emphasized the legitimacy of the public demands. “The demands of the people are 100% correct and acceptable,” she stated, urging Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar Haq to address the grievances of the populace without resorting to coercion.

Highlighting the severity of the situation, Ms. Khan drew attention to the dire economic conditions faced by the people, asserting that the storm of inflation has driven some to drastic measures, including selling organs to survive. She underscored the need for the government to prioritize addressing these socioeconomic challenges instead of employing force against dissent.

Moreover, Ms. Khan admonished against any potential violence towards those advocating for their rights, cautioning that such actions would only further exacerbate tensions. “The descendants of those who fought for the freedom and prosperity of the state of Jammu and Kashmir are deprived of their rights simply by force of power,” she lamented, urging officials to be held accountable for any transgressions against the populace.

As tensions continue to simmer, all eyes are on Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar Haq to heed the calls for dialogue and genuine resolution, lest the situation escalate further, jeopardizing the stability and prosperity of Azad Kashmir.