Senior Kashmiri Leader Condemns India’s Moves in Occupied Kashmir: Calls for Global Attention and Action

Islamabad, March 13, 2024:Pesident of  Pakistan People’s Party Azad Kashmir and Senior Parliamentarian, Chaudhry Muhammad Yasin, has denounced India’s recent actions aimed at solidifying its control over Occupied Kashmir by revoking its special status. He highlighted the grave concerns regarding the use of rape as a tool of warfare and the orchestrated economic weakening of Kashmiris through the destruction of their property and the resettlement of non-state individuals and RSS members under the guise of new domicile laws. Yasin expressed alarm over attempts to alter the demographic composition of Occupied Kashmir, with thousands of acres of land being seized for military purposes. He condemned the imprisonment of Kashmiri leaders on fabricated charges and warned of the region’s transformation into a massive prison. Yasin emphasized India’s violation of UN resolutions and international laws, stressing that the freedom movement cannot be suppressed through punitive measures. He questioned the global silence on the atrocities committed by Indian forces in Occupied Kashmir, urging action to prevent further suffering. Yasin lamented the prioritization of interests over humanitarian concerns in global affairs, underscoring the protracted nature of the Kashmir conflict despite its inclusion on the Security Council’s agenda.