Pakistani culture is famous all over the world: Saleem Ansari

Islamabad (City Reporter) Prominent social personality, head of Sindh House Hannover Germany Saleem Akhtar Ansari has said that individuals and personalities connected with civilization and culture are the soft image of the society, Pakistan is such a bouquet of different regional culture whose fragrance is spread all over the world. In a special conversation, he said that despite coming to Europe and becoming a part of the fast-paced life here, the culture of Pakistan and Sindh lives in his heart, which is evidenced by the literary and cultural activities of Sindh House Germany. . Saleem Akhtar Ansari said that Pakistani poets, singers, qawwals and artists associated with the arts are the symbols of our greatness and majesty. It will continue to spread the light of devotion in the times to come. Saleem Akhtar Ansari further said that the government of Sindh also congratulated the authorities for celebrating Ajrak Day in a grand manner