Muhammad Nawaz Sharif’s Leadership and Vision for Pakistan’s Development.

Attock (from Razi Khan) Muhammad Nawaz Sharif is fulfilling the mission of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. All the decisions of the leader of Muslim League (N) Muhammad Nawaz Sharif will be accepted. The coming period will be of Muslim League (N). Senior vice president of Muslim League (N) Punjab, former federal minister Sheikh Aftab Ahmed expressed these views. During a meeting with journalist Razi Khan, Sheikh Babar Qayyum, he said that history is a witness of the development projects done by Muhammad Nawaz Sharif. There are experienced people to run the economy of the country in a better way. Muslim League (N) will soon bring Pakistan out of the economic situation. There is a better planning to solve the economic problems. Motorway goes to Nawaz Sharif CPEC Ghazi Brotha project completed Muhammad Nawaz Sharif is the last hope of the nation Under the leadership of Nawaz Sharif, new ways of development will open in the motherland, the nation will get rid of the worst economic conditions. His services to the nation are unparalleled, he made the country a nuclear power, now he will make the country prosperous. Are the people’s hopes pinned on Nawaz Sharif after starting big projects in the country? Whenever the Muslim League (N) got power, it has given relief to the people in every sector and will continue to give relief to the people in the future.