The title of the above article appears to be “Ansa Mazhar: A New Voice in Urdu Poetry from Kasran, Attock

Poetry is considered to be the best means of reflecting feelings and emotions, sometimes the poet describes real love in his poetry, sometimes a glimpse of virtual love, some poets constructively and some poets describe the social situation with their satire and criticism. In fact, it is a gift from God to write down the feelings and emotions in limited words. Some poets fill their poems with so much life that the reader starts flowing with the words
A lot of poets of Urdu literature were born in Pakistan and India, among these poets there are both male and female poets, but in this area of poetry, the trend of women has been less than that of men, the main reason being social narrow-mindedness, as well as the disability of women to write poetry. It is also considered a futile work of literature in the backward areas where the poets who settle are considered useless people.
They say that it is a social tragedy for a writer to be taunted by nakama and majins, he should stay away from people’s ridicule and criticism and concentrate on his work.
Adhering to the same words of Izhar-ul-Haq, Ansa Mazhar, a teacher of Tehsil Pindi Ghaib, stepped into the field of literature and, showing perseverance, wrote a literary collection called “Sabh-e-Afjah”. “As in the precious literary collection, tears are seen as a reflection of feelings and emotions as well as social values.
The official launch of the literary collection “Sabh Ubada” by Ansa Mazhar, a well-known writer of Potohar region and Attock district, was held on December 1, 2023, under the chairmanship of the well-known senior jurist Sheikh Ahsanuddin at the Municipal Committee Hall, Attock. Other political and literary figures of Attock actively participated in the opening ceremony. Ansa Mazhar was fond of poetry and poetry from her student days and the book “Sabh Ubada” is her first book of poetry. . Ansa Mazhar, the poetess, belongs to Kisran, a village on the outskirts of Tehsil Pindi Gheb. Kisran village is the second largest village in Tehsil Pindi Gheb in terms of population. Ansa Mazhardiyar is apparently a newcomer in poetry and literature, but her poetic technical knowledge and familiarity with the art of rhymes made her The poetic speech has been glorified. According to poetess Ansa Mazhar, inspired by Pakistan Television program Bizm Tariq Aziz, she entered the world of literature and introduced herself well in this world of literature. Through this program, Ansa Mazhar’s mood was inspired by literature and thus she is the first monthly Laqabai poetess of Kasran village who will prove to be the first drop of rain in the world of poetry.
If you look at the technical analysis of Ansa Mazhar’s book “Subh-i-Furq” then you will see in it the element of religious devotion to him along with the color of nature. He also expressed his love for the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with great devotion
Undoubtedly, the appearance of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is remarkable and unique in the universe, and whoever obeys the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is as if he has obeyed Allah.
Ansa Mazhar is a naturalist poet. Natural colors are prominent in her first literary collection, “Sobh-e-e-Faqa”.

Helplessness and natural color are prominent in the speech, sometimes there is a glimpse of separation and sometimes there is a sense of separation.

In his poetry, dreams, the ray of hope, love, thirst, the color of horror, the color of loyalty, the breath of life, the blood of spring, restlessness and indecision, the flow of tears, chastity and courage, the beautiful memories of childhood and migration. And finally, Ansa Mazhar gathered all the pens in a beautiful bouquet “Tomorrow”. The intellectual style of Ansa Mazhar is different and unique, which is generally seen in the words of high-level poets.
The hard life of a village woman is also reflected in this book. The village woman is also well portrayed.

A village woman is a figure of simplicity, surrounded by sorrows, engrossed in household chores, working in the fields from dawn to dusk. The lyrics give blows.
In her collection, the poet has well introduced Punjabi, the mother tongue of Attock district, also known as Campbellpuri language, and has adopted a poetic style in the regional dialect. This shows the poet’s infatuation with her own language. .

It is commendable that Ansa Mazhar has stepped into the literary world of his village Kasran and district Attock with a new dimension. It is hoped that he will continue such efforts in the future and gain great fame in the literary world.