UAJK to host Two-Day Conference on Unleashing Economic Potential in AJK

MUZAFFARABAD (NNP) The Kashmir Institute of Economics at the University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (UAJK) is gearing up to host a two-day conference titled “Economy of Azad Jammu and Kashmir: Unlocking the Potential.”

In collaboration with the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), the event is scheduled to take place on May 9th and 10th, 2024, at the picturesque King Abdullah Campus, UAJK.

According to the Public Relations Department of UAJK, the conference will feature sessions covering a range of subthemes, including Tourism and Development, Skills Development and Education in AJK, Industrial Policy and Investment Promotion, Promoting Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Infrastructure Development for Industrialization, and Economic Reforms and Development.

Distinguished speakers, including policymakers, researchers, academicians, representatives from the Chamber of Commerce, media persons, and students, will share insights and actionable strategies during the event.

“Despite the abundant resources and strategic location of AJK, infrastructural constraints and governance challenges have hindered its economic progress,” remarked Prof. Dr. Samina Sabir, Director of the Kashmir Institute of Economics.

She expressed optimism that the upcoming conference would serve as a platform to engage stakeholders from diverse backgrounds in meaningful discussions on unlocking AJK’s economic potential.