The European Union has urged Israel to withdraw its decision to build new homes in the occupied West Bank as a violation of international law.

The European Union has urged Israel to withdraw its decision to build new homes in the occupied West Bank as a violation of international law.

According to Peter Stano, lead spokesperson of the European External Action Service, the European Union on Wednesday condemned the Israeli High Planning Committee’s approval of housing development plans, which would allow illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. Further expansion will be given.

In this regard, the European Union has urged Israel to withdraw these decisions.According to Peter Stano, the European Union reiterates that these settlements are illegal under international law and an obstacle to peace because they threaten the two-state solution.

According to Peter Stano, this settlement expansion is not entirely consistent with ongoing efforts to reduce tensions, which are even more important ahead of the upcoming religious festivals of Ramadan and Easter.

According to the spokesman, the position of the European Union remains intact that it does not accept any change in the pre-1967 borders, including Jerusalem.