By Mahtab Abbasi
Pakistan is a forest-poor country with just 0.04 hectares of forest per person compared to the global average of 1.0 hectares. According to official statistics, the nation’s planted and forested areas total 4.2 million hectares, or 4.8% of its total land area. However, there is a bit of disagreement on the official claim. According to Global Forest Watch, Pakistan’s tree-covered area was 648,000 hectares in 2010, accounting for more than 0.74% of the country’s total land area. From 2001 to 2023, Pakistan lost 9,940 hectares of tree cover, equivalent to a 1.0% decrease since 2000, and 2.88 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions. The annual deforestation rate of Pakistan is 2.37 %, the highest degradation rate in Asian countries. Illegal encroachment then fire incidents at scattered extensive zones are major causes of deforestation in Pakistan.
Tactlessly, throughout every summer spell, thousands of conifer (Pine Cheer) trees in Murree, and its adjoining areas of Galyat, capitulate to forest fires, which is one of the causes of the loss of forest cover.
Murree Forest Division (MFD) comprises of 47,285 acres of forest land. Murree being part of the outer Himalayas belongs to sub-tropical continental highlands. Its position can also be referred on boundary of two ecological zones.
The Murree Forest Division is part of the Western Himalayan Eco region that is recognized as one of the Global 200 Eco regions of the World. Referred to as G200 this classification is a ranking of the world’s most ecological by significant.
Beside fire incidents phenomena, over the past years, land owners and other housing activities have encroached the adjoining the forest land cumulatively about 12,148 kanals (1,519 acres).
Haphazardly forests in Murree have been plagued by ‘deliberate’ fire incidents with commence of summer season as the all-powerful mafia is trying to cover up large-scale timber theft by reducing the evidence to ashes. Fires not only destroy precious confer trees but also damage rare species of wildlife
Protection of Murree and Galyyat forests its greenery and beauty had been top priority of past rulers, during the British era, strict measures were taken to stop deforestation and for the protection of forests as well as wildlife. Later 1964,65 former President late Muhmmad Ayub Khan took an imperative ingenuities to protect these vegetation of Murree, Galyat .
In his tenancy stoves were given to locals by free kerosene oil for routine usage while cooked food stuff etc. The aim was providing such facility to locals avoid deforestation in the hilly area. Further taking keen interest beside soil conservation department was establish in the area. Forest besides horticulture nurseries were also launched in each Union council for afforestation purpose in area. In addition thousands of fruity plants like apples apricots ‘plumbs were given to locals to promote horticulture activities in Murree and Galyat, . During his tenure late Ayub Khan paid many visit to area to oversee these environment friendly projects.
Later on in 2006, the former military ruler General Retired Pervaiz Musharraf,had also inaugurated worth of million gasification project for locals to prevent deforestation happenings in the area, however gasification facility is only available for small population of urban Murree and its suburbs rest of the people, populace is still derived . In absence of gas facility beside undue LPG prices the dwellers are coerce to get woods from nearby forests for routine energy usage.
Fire incidents at forests could not be a natural phenomenon, timber mafia and some locals were involved in most of the fire incidents in Murree, those are unnoticed by forest departments. Timber mafia ignited fires to hide evidence of tree cutting while in some cases locals did the same to get fresh grass for their animals.
Though the exact cause of the wildfire at queen Hills could not be ascertained, so far however yearly happening of fire incidents seems criminal negligence of forest department, who appears lethargic approach towards toward this menace. Nevertheless in presence of proper forest department in Murree heaving bulky staff besides funds cutting of trees and fire incidents are red tape on relevant department. The caretaker of the forests guards and other staff are locals, they least bother to fulfil responsibly .Often seem absent from their duties, whereas their officers only gets transfer and posting to enjoy frosty Murree weather.In some cases the nexus of timber mafia then forest department staff being perceived which goes un noticed by the authorities concerned.
In every summer spell, such incidents of fireworks has witnessed, when lands gets dry owing to fewer shower, whereas pine trees drop inner needles primarily because they’re old and heavily shaded. Their job has done but these needle local call this (Chimpothal) in local Pahari diluct adds fuel to fire. The fire gets spread by miles amid wind and storms. Following this ill equipped and training less, forest staff posted at different locations seems helpless to control fire.
In these circumstances it is government primary responsibility to take strict measures to the Murree beauty, which is mislaying promptly. Educating local communities about fire prevention and involving them in monitoring and early warning systems. Initiating reforestation projects to restore lost forest cover and improve the resilience of the ecosystem. Strengthening laws against illegal logging and ensuring strict enforcement to protect the hills’ natural resources. The forest staff deputed to protect forests be given advance and latest techniques to tackle this menace beside provision of modest equipment .They are also assigned for round the clock surveillance of their respective area specially with commence of summer season. Alongside these measures government should think about usage of pine leaves that could be handy for energy source as well as stationary items.
The Writer is an Islamabad based journalist can be reached at