Senior PPP Leader Criticizes Appointment of Technocrats in Ministries

Islamabad (NNP) Senior Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader, Syed Khurshid Ahmad Shah, launched a scathing critique against the appointment of technocrats in ministries, likening it to a perilous balancing act that inevitably leads to failure.

Shah emphatically argued that the current bureaucracy boasts a cadre of competent and seasoned officers across various domains, advocating for the strategic deployment of experienced officials in key positions. Expressing concern, he warned that the inclusion of technocrats would not only disrupt the functioning of ministries but also strain the national exchequer.

“The experiment of deputing experts and professionals would be unsuccessful,” Shah asserted, cautioning against the wasteful expenditure of resources, time, and effort.

Emphasizing the imperative of prioritizing the welfare of citizens over the interests of the elite, Shah underscored the need for dispensing justice and relief to the populace rather than implementing novel methods of rewarding the privileged few.

Drawing attention to the wealth of expertise within the National Assembly and the Senate, Shah proposed leveraging the knowledge and experience of parliamentary members to meet the exigencies of various ministries and divisions.


Moreover, Shah called for a thorough review of past experiences with technocrats, urging transparency and accountability in decision-making processes. He advocated for engaging international organizations such as the Japan International Cooperation Agency, UNESCO, UNICEF, ILO, and the World Bank, should their expertise be required.

Shah appealed for a holistic approach to governance, one that prioritizes the needs and aspirations of the people, while harnessing the collective wisdom and experience of national institutions.

The remarks by the seasoned PPP leader have sparked a contentious debate within political circles, underscoring the complexities inherent in administrative reform and policy implementation.