Robbers have a field day in Hassanabdal

ATTOCK (NNP) Robbers have a field day in Hassanabdal on Friday as Rs 4.1 million cash was looted by armed bandits in two different day broad light robberies while a man was shot and injured for putting up resistance as local police seem in deep slumber.

In fist incident, four armed bandits riding on two different motorcycles intercepted Azaz Khan on GT road near Burhan interchange and on gun point snatched cash Rs 3.5 million which was taken to his house after drawing from a local bank located at Hassanabdal bus stand. The armed bandits shot and injured when he put up resistance over the robbery and the armed bandits fled with looted booty successfully. In the second incident, Mehboob Ellahi was going in his car after withdrawing cash worth Rs 0.6 million from the local branch of a private bank when two armed bandits riding on a motorcycle intercepted him and at gunpoint snatched cash from and fled successfully with looted booty. In back to back day broad light armed robberies, the trader and business community has expressed their concern over growing lawlessness and urged regional Police officer Rawalpindi to scuffle the police officials who have succeeded to serve in the district for more than one year so that the growing crime graph may be controlled.