President of Azad Kashmir Reaffirm Strong Bond on Kashmir Solidarity Day

Muzaffarabad:President Azad Kashmir Barrister Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry and prime minister Ch. Anwar ul Haq has said that Kashmir Solidarity Day, being observed annually on 5th February, serves as a powerful recognition of an age-old and unbreakable social, cultural and religious bond between the people of Pakistan and the people of Kashmir.

In their separate messages issued on the eve of Kashmir day, the duo, while expressing their solidarity with the people of the Indian occupied territory of Jammu and Kashmir, said that the government and people of Azad Jammu and Kashmir stand shoulder to shoulder with their brethren in their struggle for the right to self-determination.

Kashmir Day, they said, would be celebrated in Azad Kashmir with a renewed commitment to strengthen the ongoing freedom struggle.They assured the Kashmiri people on the other side of the line of control (LoC) that the people of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir would stand shoulder to shoulder with them till they achieve their cherished goal of freedom from India’s occupation.

Lauding the Kashmiris’ resilience and courage, they said, “Time is not far away when the people of Occupied Kashmir will achieve their cherished goal of freedom”.They also paid eulogizing tributes to the Kashmiri martyrs who sacrificed their precious lives for the noble cause of freedom.

Denouncing India’s belligerent military occupation and its sledgehammer policy against the Kashmiris, the president and prime minister noted that India has miserably failed in its attempts to break the Kashmiris’ resolve despite using all possible means of oppression and suppression.

“The Indian forces have used all means of oppression and suppression to subdue innocent and hapless Kashmiri people, but they stood firmly to their ground with the utmost courage and resilience,” they said.

Referring to the ultimate goal of the Kashmiris’ ongoing struggle, they said,

“The people of Jammu and Kashmir have aligned their fate with the state of Pakistan at a time when Pakistan had not yet come into being”. “Kashmiris are proud of this historic decision”, they said.

Hailing Pakistan’s unwavering commitment and its consistent support to the Kashmir cause, they pointed out that the people of Pakistan have always supported the Kashmiri people through every thick and thin.

In his message, President Barrister Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry said that New Delhi must shun its policy of intransigence and pave the way for an early settlement of the long-running dispute through dialogue and diplomacy.

He said that the Kashmiri people consider the state of Jammu and Kashmir as an indivisible entity.

Barrister Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry said, “We want to make it clear to the international community that the Kashmiri people won’t accept any solution to the Kashmir issue that is contrary to their wishes and aspirations”