PPL holds eye camps for underprivileged communities

Karachi,December15, 2023:Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) has recently organized 25 free-of-cost eye camps which have benefitted nearly 27,000 underprivileged locals residing around the company-operatedSui, Mazarani, Gambat South and Adhi fields in Balochistan, Sindh and Punjab. The camps were held between November 18 and December 13 in partnership with Al Shifa Trust Eye Hospital.

Together, more than 16,000 locals were screened and treated at various healthcare facilities and Basic Health Units in relevant districts around PPL-operatedfields.Around 9,000 were given glasses for vision correction and more than 1,500 patients underwent cataractsurgeries.

The highest number of patients, around10,000, were witnessedduringthe eye camps in Balochistan, at Public Welfare Hospital, Sui and District Headquarter Hospital, Dera Bugti. Besides, four camps were held in the vicinity of Adhi Field and 16at government schools in Punjab benefitting 3000 students.

Further, eye camps are planned around Kandhkot in Sindh and in Dhok Sultan, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The annual PPL eye camps have reached out to marginalized communities in remote areas of the country and provided quality consultation, latest onsite surgical technology, and medicines.

Photo Captions:

(i)Adhi- A student being examined during PPL-funded free-of-cost eye camp for government schools around Adhi Field, Punjab


(ii)Sui – Cataract surgery in progress during PPL-funded free-of-cost eye camp around Sui Gas Field, District Dera Bugti, Balochistan