Pakistan Takes Stand Against Alleged Indian-Sponsored Terrorism: Presents Evidence on International Stage

Islamabad: In response to recent incidents of terrorism and targeted killings within its borders, Pakistan has resolved to address the issue of alleged Indian involvement on the international stage. The government, armed with evidence, intends to utilize diplomatic forums to raise awareness about what it claims to be Indian-sponsored terrorism within Pakistan.

Express News reports that the government will present the evidence to foreign ambassadors to garner international support in condemning these actions. Foreign Secretary Cyrus Qazi, during a recent briefing at the Foreign Office, asserted that there is confirmed evidence linking Indian agents to the killings of Pakistani citizens Shahid Latif and Riyaz.

Qazi further disclosed that Indian nationals Yogesh Kumar and Ashok Kumar allegedly hired local assailants to carry out the attacks. Five members of the hired gang have been apprehended while attempting to flee the country, admitting to receiving funds from Indian nationals.

The victims, Muhammad Riaz and Shahid Latif, were portrayed as peaceful citizens with their only perceived transgression being their support for Kashmir. These incidents follow a pattern of alleged Indian covert actions, including the case of Kulbhushan Yadav, already before the International Court of Justice, who entered Pakistan through Iran.

Pakistan aims to highlight these incidents not only in international legal forums but also through various diplomatic channels. The government contends that such actions by Indian intelligence agencies extend beyond its borders, citing examples such as the reported killing of a Sikh leader in Canada, emphasizing the need for global attention on the matter.