OGRA Completes Price Review: No Immediate Changes Expected in Petroleum Product Prices

Web Desk: The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) has completed its price data review.

According to media reports, sources say that this time there is no possibility of a change in the prices of petroleum products because according to the Ogra review, the price of petrol increases by one rupee, but in the same working, the price of diesel decreases by one rupee. It is being said that, therefore, it is most likely that the current prices will remain the same, similarly the prices of kerosene and light diesel are also unlikely to change.

According to the media, the government is collecting around 82 rupees per liter tax on both petrol and diesel, the levy on petrol and diesel is 60 rupees per litre, the government has collected 475 billion rupees from consumers during the first 6 months, this fiscal year. A target of 920 to 970 billion rupees has been set.

On the other hand, an increase in oil prices has been seen in the global market, due to political tension in the Middle East, an increase in oil prices is being seen in the global market.

While British crude rose 37 cents, or 0.4 percent, to $82.58 a barrel, U.S. crude rose 27 cents, or 0.3 percent, to $78.20 a barrel.