National Education

There ought to be a national curriculum in schools for children which covers the fundamental and basic subjects in Pakistan. The national curriculum should cover the following subjects, namely, Urdu, English Language, Science, Maths, Philosophy, History, Geography and Computer Sudies along with optional subjects. Children need to be equiped with the necessary knowledge so as to be able to pursue a successful career in their chosen field. Knowledge is the greatest form of wealth, power and the foundation of success.

The children of today if taught with dedication and great skill can oneday become scientists, professors, diplomats, members of parliament, leaders, generals and soforth.

For any nation to suceed globally the children of today need to be provided with the best possible education. It is the duty of every state to invest in schools and education. In times of peace and war an educated population is critical as regards success.

Furthermore, command and control of the english language is vital for knowledge, study and research in most subjects. The english language is a universal language and it greatly assists in the world of inter alia diplomacy, foreign policy and trade.

With education morality, manners and a healthy mind-set is constituted.

Education is the way to knowledge, wisdom, patience and foresight.

There are many mysteries of the universe which can be discovered through education. The world of science is beneficial for humanity. Scientific progress has made life easier, provided remedies for life threatening diseases and has solved many issues in numerous areas.

History teaches us that those nations that had a great appetite for knowledge, research and education outshone other nations and progressed far ahead, in some cases centuries ahead. The pen is mightier than the sword. Education is the pillar upon which progressive and prosperous societies are built upon. Nations that do not spend upon education, schools, colleges and universities shall be left behind in the modern world whilst other nations move miles ahead. Education along with the health and welfare sector are critical factors for a stable economy.

Western nations appreciate the value of education and have established strong educational institutions which even cater for international students. Nations that do not provide efficient and appropriate education are doing a great injustice to children and the consequences can be disastrous. These are my brief thoughts concerning the concept of education.