Nation Celebrates Successful 2024 Elections:Press Conference of Caretaker Home Minister Gohar Ijaz

Islamabad;The press conference of the caretaker Federal Interior Minister, Information Minister and Election Commission officials held a joint press conference. It was not an easy decision to make. If this decision has to be made again, it will be done for the sake of the nation’s children.
Most important to us were the lives of our citizens. Election officials had no involvement in this decision. He further said that crores of people voted in this election. Isn’t our nation proud of our security agencies and institutions. The security forces together organized the most peaceful elections. There were 56 incidents in which 3 military, 2 Levies and 7 police personnel and 4 civilians were martyred.

While in government one has to take decisions that are in favor of the nation, there were also reports of attacks on polling staff. The ballot boxes did not reach their place but we did not take any risk. One could have thought that the election would be held with security. The Chief Election Commissioner worked despite all these challenges. The manner in which all the institutions organized the election together is commendable.
When the mobile phones were turned off, they attacked our nation with hand grenades. The result is the will of the nation, whoever they voted for, the caretaker interior minister said that people in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa voted for the party they wanted to vote for. All actions depend on intentions. The Election Commission is playing its role, our job was security. I congratulate the nation, we were able to conduct elections 2024. It is hoped that whoever will form the government will think of Pakistan. My dream is to make Pakistan a developed country.