Mirza Ghaffar Khan Extends Congratulations to Punjab Governor Sardar Saleem Haider

Islamabad (NNP) Prominent social personality Secretary General District Jhelum Candidate Provincial Assembly PP 24 Mirza Abdul Ghaffar Khan congratulated the senior leader of People’s Party and former Federal Minister Fakhr Attock Sardar Salim Haider on being appointed Governor of Punjab. He said that Sardar Salim Haider kept the candle of public service burning, it is the result of this service and the prayers of the people that Sardar Sahib’s name was chosen for the constitutional position of the province with thirteen people. Mirza Ghaffar Khan said that as the Governor of Punjab, Sardar Saleem will expand public and social welfare activities along with maintaining peace and order in the province. He thanked the central leadership including Zardari