Minister Raja Muhammad Siddique’s Strategic Overhaul of Muzaffarabad Mini Industrial Estate

Muzaffarabad:Minister of Industry and Commerce, Raja Mohammad Siddique, conducted a thorough assessment of the Mini Industrial Estate in Muzaffarabad. Accompanied by Secretary of Industry and Commerce Tahir Mahmood Qureshi, Commissioner Abdul Hameed Kayani, Deputy Commissioner Raja Javed Anwar, and Assistant Commissioner, the minister received a comprehensive briefing from Raja Kashif Latif Khan regarding the plots in the Mini Industrial Estate.

During the inspection, Minister Siddique issued directives to optimize the productivity of the plots in the Muzaffarabad Industrial Estate. Specifically, he emphasized the need to activate the trade plots that had been allotted and to revitalize any ailing industrial units. Secretary Industries and Trade added that a digital record of all statuses should be compiled, and proposals for enhancing the allotted plots must be formulated and submitted to the Industries and Trade Secretariat.

Taking charge of the situation, the newly appointed minister promptly instructed state officers to update records for all estates and compile detailed information on a plot-by-plot basis. The overarching goal is to ensure the functional operation of industrial units across Azad Kashmir.