Minister of AJK Government Raja Muhammad Siddique Takes Firm Action Against Public Fraud in Muzaffarabad


Muzaffarabad:Minister of Industry and Commerce, Labor Welfare and Weights and Measures Silk and Printing Press Raja Muhammad Siddique visited the Office of Labor Welfare and Weights Measurements. On this occasion, Secretary Industry and Commerce Tahir Mehmood Qureshi gave a departmental briefing. The Minister of Industry and Commerce issued strict orders to the Weights and Measures Department regarding the checking of petrol pumps and the weighing scales of the shopkeepers in the market. Those who loot the public should be brought to justice. According to the vision of the Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir, steps should be taken to provide all possible relief to the people. They will not forgive those who cheat the public. Minister of Industry and Trade, Labor Welfare, Weights and Measurements, Silk and Printing Press, Raja Muhammad Siddiq, while holding a briefing in the office of Labor Welfare and Weights Measurements, issued instructions to the officials of the Weights and Measurements Department that the officers and employees of the department should Take all possible steps to protect your interests. No negligence will be tolerated in this regard. The weighing department should inspect the weighing scales of the vendors, the scales of the pedal pumps should also be checked. He said that in this era of inflation, those who cheated the public should be dealt with with iron hands and no concession should be given to them. He said that the government’s priority is to provide relief to the people, the government is taking all possible steps for public service. Government SVPs will bring the deviant workers under the law and kill them.