Maryam and Shehbaz likely candidates; chances of an outsider snagging the coveted slot seem minuscule

Delving into the number game for the Punjab Assembly, where 297 general seats are up for grabs, the magic number to form the government is approximately 149 seats.

In the first phase, any political party requires approximately 149 general seats. Following this, the political party secures reserved seats, and after adding up the reserved seats, the total number for that political party reaches around 186.

The PML-N, in its opening gambit, may align with the PPP which grabbed 10 seats in Punjab. To bolster its hand further, PML-N may also court the 128-strong contingent of independent candidates backed by PTI.

The PML-N will easily cross the first phase of the number game. But in the next phase, who will be installed in the CM’s slot depends on the decisions made during the table talk with PPPP regarding the adjustment of key posts.

Should the three-time premier, Nawaz Sharif, eyes the prime minister’s chair, the younger Sharif, Shehbaz Sharif, emerges as a formidable CM candidate. However, if PML-N nominates Shehbaz Sharif for PM, Maryam Nawaz takes the spotlight as a strong contender.

Under the current circumstances, the chances of an outsider snagging this slot seem minuscule. However, in the unpredictable realm of politics, strategies evolve, and the need of the hour often reshapes decisions, making the nomination of a close and trustworthy party member imperative.