Senior Judges Expose Secret Agency Interference in Court Cases

Islamabad (NNP) Letter of 6 judges of Islamabad High Court to the Supreme Judicial Council on the interference of secret agencies in court cases, to put pressure on the 2 judges who declared the case against Imran Khan inadmissible Cracker attack revealed at home. According to ARY News, six senior judges of the Islamabad High Court have written a detailed letter to the Supreme Judicial Council on the interference of secret agencies in court cases, in which serious revelations have been made.

The Supreme Judicial Council has been written by Islamabad High Court Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani, Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri, Justice Babar Sattar, Justice Sardar Ishaq, Justice Arbab Muhammad Tahir, Justice Taman Rifat Imtiaz.

The letter said that a judicial convention should be called on the interference of secret agencies in the judiciary and influencing the judges.

The letter-writing judges also included letters written in 2023 and 2024 on pressure efforts. The judges have said in the letter that the purpose of writing the letter is to seek guidance from the Supreme Judicial Council, this matter has arisen after the dismissal of Judge Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui, in the Shaukat Siddiqui case it was proved that Faiz Hameed was interfering in the judicial affairs, while in the letter in 2023, the judge Reference is also made to the camera leaving the room.

According to the text of the letter, the then Army Chief and the federal government had filed a case against Justice Shaukat Siddiqui, Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui should be investigated for interfering in the judicial affairs, he himself investigated the allegations against him. request. The letter further stated that those who intervene in judicial affairs and judicial proceedings should be held accountable, taking such interference in judicial affairs as a threat, with no guidance against such interference in the SJC guidelines. Not found, is it government policy to threaten, pressure or blackmail judges?

The judges have written in the letter that whether it is government policy to influence judicial decisions in political matters, pressure on judges, influencing decisions in political matters should be investigated. Pressure was put on. The letter said that the intervention of the agencies, influencing the judges is in the category of gross contempt of court, immediate action should be initiated under Article 204, Contempt of Court Ordinance.