JKSM Condemns Unjust Modi-Led BJP Govt Actions to Suppress IIoJK Plebiscite Struggle

ISLAMABAD : Chairman Jammu and Kashmir Salvation Movement (JKSM) Altaf Ahmad Bhat on Thursday strongly condemned the recent actions taken by the Directorate of Enforcement (ED) against the Senior Kashmiri Leader Muhammad Akbar Bhat in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir IIoJK.
The provisional attachment of properties worth rupees fifty million under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) was a clear indication of the Modi-led BJP government’s persistent efforts to suppress the ongoing legitimate Kashmiris freedom struggle.
In response to these actions, Chairman JKSM Bhat termed the all allegations baseless followed by subsequent actions of the ED are nothing except an attempt to tarnish image and undermine the noble cause of the ongoing Kashmiris freedom movement.
“ I and my elder brother Muhammad Akbar Bhat have been active in the ongoing right of self- determination movement since childhood in IIoJK. I have been targeted by Indian military establishment particularly and forced to leave Srinagar. By the grace of God I established business in Pakistan from where I supported needy students
From IIoJK from my business income, Bhat added saying his commitment to the education of the youth and rehabilitation of displaced people of IIOJK remained unwavering despite the various challenges he and his family faced in IIOJK.
Regarding Al Jabbar Trust, Chairman JKSM Bhat said that the Trust was established for charitable purposes which remained instrumental in aiding those in need particularly students and widows of IIoJK.
During the 2014 flood in IIoJK our family in Srinagar extended assistance to the affected individuals through the donations of local businesses community and other family members who paid from their own businesses. However, Indian military establishment imposed unwarranted restrictions, leading to the halt of operations, and Al Jabbar Trust was closed in 2015 by Indian authorities significantly hampering our ability to provide timely aid during the time of crisis in IIoJK.
Bhat said he personally contributed in numerous initiatives, including aiding thousands of people during the COVID-19 pandemic both in Azad Jammu and Kashmir AJK and IIoJK. But education of the needy and destitute students of IIoJK remained his top priority saying the financial assistance provided to the students was used from his own business profit.
Chairman JKSM Bhat further said the recent actions of ED while attaching properties of his elder brother Muhammad Akbar Bhat who is also in Indian jail since August 2019 and accusing him of money laundering is baseless and propaganda.
“ It is regrettable that Indian government is using its agencies under the supervision of Indian regular Army to target those associated with the Kashmiris right of self-determination movement under the guise of different investigations including financial irregularities which is a bid to hoodwink the world on the current situation of IIoJK where all political leaders along with Yaseen Malik , Shabir Shah and other thousands political workers are languishing in jails.
Bhat said the timing of these actions and framing of charges against political leaders and pro freedom workers for alleged irregularities in selling Pakistani MBBS seats in IIOJK is an ample proof that how India is trying to defame the right of self-determination struggle and people associated with it.
Chairman JKSM Bhat called upon the international community to take note of these unjust actions taken by the Modi-led BJP government and urged upon the international community to protect the basic human rights and aspirations of the Kashmiri people who have been fighting for the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions since long under the banner of United Nations Organisation that granted the right of self-determination to the Kashmiri people.
Chairman JKSM Bhat said the Kashmir movement will remain steadfast in its commitment to the Kashmiris plebiscite struggle and no amount of suppression can deter it from seeking justice and self-determination for the people of IIoJK.