Islamabad Serena Hotel hosts Iftar Dinner for Charity Schools

To uphold the spirit of community service and embrace the festive ambiance of Ramadan, Islamabad Serena Hotel organized a noteworthy Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative. This initiative entailed hosting a special Iftar event dedicated to the children from three different charity schools: Mashal School, Holy Help School, and Master Ayub School.

The event was organized to provide these young ones with a memorable experience during the holy month. It aimed to create a warm and welcoming environment where they could celebrate the essence of Ramadan together. Through this gesture, Islamabad Serena Hotel demonstrated its commitment to giving back to society and nurturing a sense of joy and solidarity within the community. By inviting the children from these charity schools, the hotel extended its hospitality beyond its usual patrons, embracing the true spirit of generosity and inclusivity that defines the spirit of Ramadan.

The evening’s main attraction was a captivating Naat competition, where the children displayed their talents and deep devotion through melodious recitations. To conclude the festivities, each child received a heartwarming distribution of Eidi, symbolizing a moment of shared joy and generosity for everyone involved.

Mr. Otto Kurzendorfer, the General Manager of the Islamabad Serena Hotel said, ‘Ramadan is a time for giving, and we are delighted to have had the opportunity to host this special Iftar and make a positive impact in our community’.