Indian agents targeted Jafar Express. Cowards hiding behind women and kids aren’t even worthy to be considered humans. Afghan Govt should take care of the terror outfits operating from their country. Dr Talha Saeed, Vice President Pakistan Markazi Muslim League.
Senior vice president of Pakistan Markazi Muslim League and young leader professor dr Talha saeed expressed his condolences and on the terror attack on Jafar Express. He said that this attack of indian agents is attack on whole Pakistan. These terrorists using kids and women as human shields aren’t even humans leave alone Muslims. Balcochistan is the throne of Pakistan.
Professor Talha said that PMML has always kept Balcochistan on first priority in their welfare and relief activities. Pakistanis are united behind their army together. Today enemies of Pakistan have resorted to these terror activities due to all the development going on in Balcochistan. They’re threatened by the economic progress made due to CPEC. BLA’s terrorists being in contact with their handlers in Afghanistan is a matter of great tension and Afghan Govt must act to stop it. We salute Pak Army for rescuing all the hostages successfully.