Healthcare Professionals Demonstration for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza Following ICJ Ruling

Health care professionals and civil society representatives called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza as it is the only way to implement Friday’s International Court of Justice (ICJ) interim ruling.

This was stated by speakers at a demonstration by healthcare professionals and civil society in support of Gaza outside the National Press Club on Saturday. The demonstration was organized by the ‘Save Gaza Campaign’. Doctors, paramedical staff, and pharmacists from twin cities participated in the protest. They carried placards and banners with slogans in favor of the ICJ’s ruling and condemning Israeli genocide.

Former Central President of Pakistan Islamic Medical Association (PIMA) Women Wing Dr. Naveed Butt, President Young Doctors Association Islamabad Dr. Sher Ali, Young Consultants Association Dr. Uzair Hassan, Convener Save Gaza Campaign Mrs. Humaira Tayyaba and others addressed the demonstration.

Speakers said that the decision of the ICJ is of utmost importance, as it indicates that Israel is committing systematic genocide against innocent civilians in Gaza. This decision confirms South Africa’s stance, characterizing it as a continuation of the ongoing Israeli genocidal war against civilians with the objective of completely destroying the Gaza Strip.

They called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, an uninterrupted flow of aid including medical supplies, fuel, and medical personnel and safe humanitarian corridors to ensure the evacuation of patients.