Hajj training session will be held today, Babu Imran Qureshi will give a lecture

Rawalpindi (NNP) Prominent social personality, head of Rafiq Hajj Committee Pakistan, Babu Imran Qureshi said that the fortunate people who go on the holy journey should be aware of the problems of Hajj and Hajj in order to fill their feet with pure, spiritual and enlightening moments. Take necessary. The guests of Allah should make full use of the Hajj training camp so that their blessed journey turns into springs of good deeds. According to spokesman Rafiq Hajjaj Pakistan, in connection with the Hajj training camp, under the supervision of Hajj Director Haseeb Ahmad Siddiqui, a Hajj training session will be held at Ayesha Lathani Model Secondary School Qadir Road Campus today at 9 am. Will give a lecture about it. Dr. Mrs. Namia Khalid and Mrs. Noor Qureshi will be present for the women pilgrims. Hajj Master Trainer Babu Imran Qureshi added that pilgrims should be a part of training programs at all levels before the holy journey.