Global experts conclude landmark Int’l Zoology Congress at UAJK

MUZAFFARABAD (NNP) The three-day International Pakistan Congress of Zoology reached its conclusion at the University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (UAJK), marking a significant leap forward in the field. The congress provided a vital platform for global experts to convene and discuss key topics within zoological sciences.

Distinguished scholars and researchers from around the world gathered to share groundbreaking insights across various disciplines, including entomology, pest management, cell biology, molecular biology, bioinformatics, environmental biotechnology, genetics, and wildlife conservation. Special sessions focused on addressing future challenges and opportunities in the field.

With a presentation of over 500 research papers, the congress demonstrated the depth and breadth of discussions held. Attendees encompassed a diverse spectrum, including students from across Pakistan, esteemed vice-chancellors, researchers, professors, and senior faculty members from renowned universities in Turkey, China, the four provinces of Pakistan, and Gilgit-Baltistan.

A highlight of the event was the recognition of individuals who have made significant contributions to zoological sciences. Several researchers and professors were honored with lifetime achievement awards, while outstanding faculty members and students received gold medals and certificates.

The closing ceremony, held at the scenic King Abdullah Campus of UAJK, was attended by officials from the Zoological Society of Pakistan, members of the Executive Council, principal officers of UAJK, delegates from across the nation, heads of teaching departments, and numerous students.

Addressing the gathering, renowned scientist and President of the Zoological Society of Pakistan, Prof. Dr. AR Shakuri, expressed his elation at the resounding success of the 42nd Congress, extending gratitude to all stakeholders involved, particularly highlighting the contributions of students.

Prof. Dr. Shakuri emphasized the role of delegates as ambassadors of Kashmir, tasked with showcasing the region’s beauty and the illustrious King Abdullah Campus of UAJK to the world. He also shed light on the conference’s objectives, accomplishments, and future aspirations.

Similarly, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Kaleem Abbasi, Vice-Chancellor of UAJK, commended the collaborative efforts of all involved in ensuring the congress’s triumph. He highlighted the pivotal role played by international and national scientists, researchers, industry experts, faculty members, and students in shaping the event’s success.

Dr. Abbasi underscored the significance of such conferences in fostering scientific research and urged stakeholders to prioritize topics yielding tangible benefits for society and the nation. He cited the Zoological Congress as a beacon of inspiration, encouraging other departments to organize similar events.

Highlighting the enduring bond between Azad Kashmir and Pakistan, Dr. Abbasi emphasized the region’s contribution to the country’s agricultural development and proposed the establishment of Kashmir desks in universities across Pakistan to raise awareness about its significance.

The closing ceremony also saw reflections on the sacrifices of Kashmiris in their struggle for liberation, Attendees expressed optimism that the congress would stimulate new avenues of knowledge and research in zoology, paving the way for transformative discoveries and advancements.

In addition to addresses by distinguished speakers, shields were presented as tokens of appreciation to chairs, presenters, and organizing committee members, symbolizing the collective dedication that fueled the success of the International Pakistan Congress of Zoology.