Former Prime Minister of AJK Sardar Attique Ahmed khan has strongly condemned the Indian Supreme Court’s decision

Muzaffarabad : President and former Prime Minister Sardar Attique Ahmed khan has strongly condemned the Indian Supreme Court’s decision regarding Article 370 and said that the Indian Supreme Court gave a biased decision on the support of its extremist government. Kashmiris completely reject the decision of the Indian Supreme Court, the decision of the Indian Supreme Court is a violation of international laws and Security Council resolutions. He said that India has forcibly occupied Kashmir. The world should take notice of the historical injustice done to Kashmiris. He said that despite all the tactics, India has failed to keep Kashmiris as slaves. Even this biased decision of the Indian Supreme Court cannot stop the struggle of Kashmiris. He expressed these views while talking to the media here in the capital Muzaffarabad. Defy the resolutions of the council and international laws. Occupied Jammu and Kashmir is an internationally recognized disputed territory whose final decision has to be made in accordance with the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and the aspirations of the Kashmiri people, he said. No other process can be a substitute for the right of self-determination of the Kashmiri people. He further said that the unilateral and illegal actions of India on August 5, 2019 and the subsequent actions aimed at the illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir by India. Changing the demographic structure and political landscape of Kashmir. India has been occupying the occupied state of Jammu and Kashmir for the last 76 years and has been brutalizing Kashmiris every day through more than 900,000 troops. The United Nations and the world should take notice of India’s global terrorism. If the United Nations does not respond immediately, peace in South Asia will be destroyed.