Federal Ombudsman Reports Record-Breaking Performance in 2023

Islamabad, March 25, 2024: In a significant development, the Federal Ombudsman, Ejaz Ahmed Qureshi, presented the annual report to President Asif Ali Zardari, highlighting a remarkable increase in the handling of complaints against mismanagement by government departments in 2023.

The report revealed a staggering processing of 194,099 complaints, marking an 18% surge compared to the previous year. Impressively, 193,028 of these complaints were successfully resolved, showcasing a commendable 22% increase from 2022.

During the meeting, the Federal Ombudsman underscored the pivotal role of technology in expediting case resolutions, particularly in remote areas. The implementation of online platforms and a mobile app resulted in a significant uptick in complaints received through these channels, with a 47% and 21% rise, respectively.

Moreover, the establishment of new regional offices, open wards, and the adoption of informal dispute resolution mechanisms further facilitated grievance redressal, leading to a notable boost in complaint registration.

Of particular note was the Office of Overseas Pakistanis within the Federal Ombudsman Secretariat, which processed an unprecedented 202,367 complaints, highlighting the organization’s commitment to serving all segments of society.

President Zardari commended the Federal Ombudsman for their outstanding performance and stressed the importance of implementing additional measures to enhance accessibility and efficiency in addressing public grievances.

The Federal Ombudsman’s report stands as a testament to the institution’s dedication to providing prompt and free justice to citizens, ensuring accountability and transparency within government departments. As Pakistan progresses, the role of entities like the Federal Ombudsman becomes increasingly vital in fostering public trust and ensuring effective governance.