Effects of watching television series on  social and cultural practices in the family 


Department Of Physics,

Fatima Jinnah University,Rawalpindi

⦁ How being watching television series influences social and cultural practices in the family?


Television was the first inventions to affect the lives of masses all over the world

It still remains the most popular ways of getting knowledge .It has the big impact on the way we spend our free time. Watching TV shows can bring Television series often become a central part of family life. When family watches the same show together, it can create a sense of unity. For example watching a popular TV series together can be a bonding experience. Family can discuss the show, can discuss the issues at the same time they can share their thoughts and can have good conversation. Television also teaches youth important values and life lessons. It also boost personality development and inspire creativity.

However not all effects of watching TV series are positive. Sometimes TV can take time away from other activities that are important for family bonding. Instead of talking or playing games family members might spend hour sitting in front of the TV this can decrease the face to face interaction and weaken family connection. Additionally, if family members have different tastes in TV shows, it can create disagreement which might affect family unity and can have negative effects. Long time spending on watching TV series can also cause health problems, like disturbance in sleeping and it can also effects our mental health


Television plays a crucial role in shaping family dynamics, communication, and cultural values. Studies suggest that TV series act as a shared experience for families, providing common ground for conversation (Newcomb & Hirsch, 1983). According to Cultivation Theory (Gerber et al., 1994), the more families watch television, the more their views of reality are shaped by the content they consume, which can influence their attitudes, values, and behavior. Watching television series together can boost communication by giving family members a common topic to talk about (Lull, 1980). However, excessive viewing can reduce face-to-face interaction, particularly when family members watch separately (Bryant & Zillmann, 2002). Gender roles portrayed in television series also impact how family members see their own roles, as these shows often reinforce or challenge traditional gender expectations (Byars & Meehan, 2000).

For families, especially those from minority backgrounds, seeing their culture and identity reflected on TV can be validating (Hall, 1997). Immigrant families may use television as a way to learn about the culture of their new home while staying connected to their traditions (Moran, 2009).

Television can also provide opportunities for moral learning, as families may discuss ethical questions raised by the shows they watch (Potter, 2008). While watching TV together can also create tension when preferences differ (Zabriskie & McCormick, 2001). Overall, TV series have a significant impact on both social and cultural practices within families.


TV series also influence cultural practices. It also influences viewer’s attitudes and beliefs about themselves, as well as about people from other social, ethnic and cultural background.

If a show portrays positive behavior family members might adopt this positivity but on the other hand TV shows can sometimes present unrealistic portrayals of life. This can lead misconception about certain social and cultural aspects. Families might start to expect and intimate these unrealistic portrayals, which can affect their real life behavior and expectations. For example if a TV series portrays an idealized version of family life, members might feel pressured to meet these unrealistic standard, which can lead to dissatisfaction or conflicts.


Television series significantly impact the social and cultural habits of families. They offer shared experiences that promote discussions and foster stronger relationships among family members. According to Cultivation Theory, frequent exposure to television content gradually shapes the views and perceptions of reality, influencing the attitudes and behaviors of family members.

On the flip side, overconsumption of television, especially when done individually, can reduce family interactions and limit meaningful communication. TV shows often portray various cultural values, gender roles, and family dynamics, which can either reinforce or challenge traditional norms, shaping how family members view their own roles within the household.

For families from diverse backgrounds, particularly immigrants, television can serve as a bridge between their cultural heritage and the new society they are adapting to. Furthermore, TV series often present ethical issues and moral lessons that families can discuss, providing opportunities for deeper reflection on real-life situations. In conclusion, television series play a key role in shaping family dynamics, influencing how they engage with societal norms, roles, and cultural values. While they can strengthen family bonds and promote understanding, excessive or solitary viewing can weaken personal connections and reduce communication within the family.