Controversial Citizenship Amendment Act Implemented by Modi Government

Modi government has implemented the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act in India. A few weeks before the general elections, the Modi government took another step against Muslims by implementing the contentious Citizenship Amendment Act.

In this regard, the spokesperson from the Prime Minister’s Office in Delhi said that the Modi government is announcing the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act.

A spokesperson of the Prime Minister’s Office said that the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act was an integral part of the BJP’s 2019 election manifesto.

On the other hand, according to the report of the news agency, under the law, non-Muslims coming from neighboring countries of India will be given Indian citizenship.

According to the report, citizenship will be given to non-Muslims who came to India before December 31, 2014.

According to the news agency, Muslim groups, human rights organizations, civil society have declared the law as an enemy of Muslims. According to Muslim groups, the law was enacted to discriminate against India’s 200 million Muslims.

The Modi government approved the controversial Citizenship Act in 2019. After the passage of the controversial bill, massive protests were held in India, in which dozens of people were killed and hundreds were injured.