Balancing Democracy and Stability: Barrister Nawab Babar Khan Perspectives on Political Protests

London – Political protests are necessary and an important aspect of a democracy. However, protests must be organised in a peaceful manner. Protestors should take into account the law, the rights of others and furthermore, a balance needs to be struck in the best interests of a state. Furthermore, damage to private and state property accompanied with violence is not a solution to the issues that are being protested against. The state should not be heavy handed as regards peaceful protests. The state should facilitate protests whilst maintaining law and order.

There are different types of protests. Some protests are limited and focus on a particular national issue. Some protests focus on numerous large and small issues. Some protests are volcanic and the issues concerning these volcanic protests need to be addressed as soon possible. At the end of the day a fair and reasonable solution needs to be found so as to solve legitimate issues.

In the best interests of state stability the government ought to enter into negotiations and settle the matter at hand as soon as possible. Otherwise one set of demands can give rise to a new set of demands. A new set of demands can create long term instability which can give rise to further issues.

The longer the protests continue the greater the instability and the potential of further suffering of the masses increases along with economic issues. Those in power ought to foresee as to which way matters are heading and should therefore, address issues fairly and squarely before it is too late and too costly. However, if matters spiral out of control then an immediate resolution is required through negotiations with a fair settlement for all concerned.

Throughout history people have witnessed protests, sometimes with legitimate demands and sometimes with legitimate demands for some and illegitmate demands for others. There are always two versions as regards an issue and sometimes there are several versions. Firstly, the truth needs to be found and then it ought to be ascertained as to what is fair and reasonable in the circumstances. Once the aforementioned factors are established then the next issue is as to what is practically possible in the circumstances. Political and economic stability are vital as regards the prosperity of a state.