Biden V Trump – US Elections


After watching the Biden-Trump debate the world started to pass judgements. In my opinion President Biden’s performance was outstanding for a 81 year old man. On a few occassions he had a slight difficulty as regards verbal clarity. However, his message was loud and clear. He clearly out-lined what he stood for. Mr Biden has tremendous political experience and at present he needs stamina and good health.

Mr Trump is a different personality altogether and his style is completely different to a standard or average politician.

Immigration is a global concern for all countries. Immigration needs to be dealt with according to the laws, security and economic situation of a country.

As far as foriegn policy is concerned that has to be handled in a competent manner. Alliances have always been important so as to deter future wars.

As far as wars are concerned world war one was not planned it just started due to miscalculations that were sparked off as a result of an assasination. On the other hand world war two was being avoided with appeasement. World war two technically started in china and slowly spread around the globe like wild fire. One evil dictator inspired another dictator to do likewise. In wars the common man pays a heavy price.

With great power comes great responsibility. Leadership needs and demands many qualities. A leader must lead a nation against all odds in the right direction. A leader must take the state to a better and prosperous future. A leader must unite a nation not divide it. A leader must fulfill his/her national duties and international obligations.

A leader has a duty to represent all groups, classes and members of society. Political persecution or prosecution is a detestable act and an act that is or can be contrary to the law and spirit of fairness.

Taxation should always be based on fairness. An appropriate balance needs to be established. Taxation should be fair so that large companies do not move to other domains and also to attract large multi-nationals to make significant investments.

Nobody can predict with precision as regards election results. However, sometimes the writing is on the wall and one should read it and understand it.