Prominent Figures Shine at Successful NPC Family Festival in Rawalpindi

Rawalpindi (NNP) The NPC Family Festival, organized by the Rawalpindi Press Club, was a resounding success as it saw the gracious presence of several distinguished guests. Spokesperson of CM Punjab MPA Rifat Abbasi and League leader Samina Abbasi were the event’s highlights, drawing significant attention and admiration from attendees.

The festival, known for its vibrant atmosphere and community engagement, was further enhanced by the attendance of prominent figures such as Abid Abbasi, Nair Ali, and Shakeela Jalil. Their presence added to the event’s prestige and provided an excellent opportunity for the public to interact with their representatives.

Chairman of the Eid Festival, Aziz Alvi, played a pivotal role in the festival’s organization and execution. His efforts, along with those of the Rawalpindi Press Club, ensured a seamless and enjoyable experience for all participants.

The NPC Family Festival continues to be a beacon of cultural celebration and community spirit in Rawalpindi, fostering unity and joy among its citizens.