Minister of Industries said Indian Supreme Court has also recognized the Hindutva policy of the Modi government

Minister of Industries and Crafts Muhammad Siddique has said that the Kashmiri people are standing firm against Indian oppression, the Indian Supreme Court has also recognized the Hindutva policy of the Modi government, the worst violations of human rights have exposed the face of India. is doing Kashmiris from both sides move forward with solidarity, since the abrogation of Article 370 and 35A, Occupied Kashmir has turned into a sub-jail, the international community should take notice of India’s biased actions against Kashmiris. Industries and Crafts Minister Raja Muhammad Siddique has said in a statement that Hindutva policy has been embedded not only in the Indian government but also in the institutions of justice of India, justice is not expected from any institution of India. He said that India is committing the worst violation of international human rights in Occupied Kashmir day by day. He stated that the Kashmiris had a hope from the Indian Supreme Court, which, ignoring the hope, the Indian Supreme Court proved that every institution of India is following the Hindutva policy. Every institution in India has a double standard, the Indian government is using every tactic to continue its hegemony in the occupied valley. He said that the face of India, which claims to be the world’s biggest democracy, has been exposed once again, since 1947 till today it has been continuously making sacrifices for the freedom of Kashmir. The morale of Kashmiris is high and this struggle will continue till dawn of independence. He said that the silence of the United Nations is worrying. The United Nations should take immediate notice of India’s unilateral actions and stand firm against India.

