Governor Punjab Resolves To Get The Country Out Of Difficulties Together

ATTOCK ( NNP ) Governor Punjab Sardar Salim Haider Khan Friday said that the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) was a democratic party and it would not do any unconstitutional work. Together we would get Pakistan out of its problems by giving a gift in the form of University of Attock, he said and added that the workers were determined to make PPP stronger in Punjab.

He was talking to the media on the occasion of the visit of senior Party leader Dr. Sardar Sikander Hayat Khan at the residence of PPP District President Sardar Ashar Hayat Khan in Hassanabdal on Friday.

On this occasion, former National Assembly candidate Sardar Zulfikar Hayat Khan, Party leaders and a large number of dignitaries from the city were also present.

On this occasion, the Governor mingled with the workers and listened to their problems. Tight security arrangements were made on the Governor’s arrival.