Importance of Crop physiology in agriculture

BY Momina farooq 

Arid Agriculture University


Crop physiology is the branch of agricultural sciences that explores and understand the physiological processes of plants and their function as well as their responses to the surroundings.It aims to optimize and enhance the quality and yield of crop.It helps to improve soil fertility and how crops grow ,reproduce, and die.

In nation’s economic development,agricultural research and development plays an essential role.In many developing countries crop yield is very low and that is because of lack of improved technologies.Global warming is another cause of significant change in agriculture.These changes affect the plant growth and development.Crop production is important for country’s economy and crop physiology plays critical role in it.

Crop physiology helps with crop sustainability in agriculture.Crop dynamics is the key component of agricultural production.Farmers get benefit from crop physiology as it helps to understand about growth and plant interactions with their environment.Crop physiology is vital for sustainable farming.It helps the farmers to understand which crops are best and can lead to high quality products and better crop yield.

Crop physiology is influenced by many factors.These factors can be biological, physical and chemical.Biological factors include living organisms that effect the plants.Physical factors makes the environment such as light, soil, water, temperature.Chemical factors are natural and man-made chemicals which highly effect the plants processes.Plants deals with these factors through crop physiology to stay alive.

If crops are subjected to stress and are not handled properly,it reduces the cop yield.There are different forms of stress such as heat, drought, and, it is important to understand how yield is affected by crop physiology. For a healthy plant it needs to have proper and adequate amount of water and sunlight.Crop physiology is implemented to make sure that the plant is healthy.Crop physiologist study how water and light affect plant.They emphasize on the quantity and quality of the harvest.

These stresses will effect the plant growth and development which ultimately effect the crop yield.Low productivity will cause major effect on the country’s economy. So,crop physiology is used to overcome that change.It maintains the health of plants and increase their yield and quality.This makes the country’s economy to flourish and makes it successful in the field of agriculture.