Expression of happiness to the Asian community on the great success of the Labor Party

Islamabad ( NNP ) Labor’s success in the UK’s largest province, the Midlands, and the success of a Midlands mayor, including a police commissioner, have raised the profile and standing of the Labour Party. People have become closer to the Labour Party than ever before. The Asian community has said that concilar Kamran Caan has worked day and night to make Labour candidates successful, give him the position of Community Liaison and Community Problem Solving, Assistant Commissioner of Police and midland mayor give responsibility to Kamran Caan because Kamran Caan is very popular within the youth and the Asian community. Which will help to further benefit the Labour Party, and the value of the party will also increase. The results of Mr Caan’s hard work in the local elections have been very good and positive. The Asian Community appealed to the Labour Party Leader and Mayor of Midlands to encourage Mr Caan and give him the responsibility he needs to get young Labour activists into politics and to develop a desire to grow and serve the country and nation.