Anti-Muslim hate central to Modi’s election campaign


By:Farooq Mirza


Modi is having a horrible election strategy. Cruelties of the fascistic Hindutva forces are increasing. It is a well-thought-out strategy of the Modi government to communally divide the Indian society and reap political dividends. As the elections approach, such activities gather more pace. By means of State power, they are spreading their ideological influence among various sections of bureaucracy and officials and making them bendable to their cause.

Modi’s utterances on democracy and tolerance to cater to the international audience cannot mask these attacks on minorities. The defense of democracy and secularism necessitates that every attack on minorities must be opposed and resisted.

The assertions made by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the absence of discrimination based on caste, creed, religion, age, or geographic location in India, during his interaction with the media proved all wrong. A wave of attacks on religious minorities and the overt or covert protection of the perpetrators of such attacks by the State, sharply bring to focus the huge gap between the assertions and doings of the BJP government.

The BJP’s relentless vilification of the minority Muslim community has gone to the highest level. Such dangerous provocations continue. For Modi targeting minorities, in particular, Muslims with the intention to whip up anti-Muslim sentiments of majority Hindus is an election strategy. Every time during the election, they use it.

With each passing year, the BJP’s anti-minority rhetoric is reaching genocide level. This is a very dangerous trend and this trend is creating social unrest. Such a situation is catastrophic. Religious ploys might be giving them electoral benefits but for the people in the end it is very dangerous.

The saffron party deliberately keeps the communal pot boiling in the run-up to the elections, focusing on polarizing issues like hijab, halal, and jihad. Modi is fueling hatred of Muslims in India, and the world looks the other way. This dark narrative defines Modi’s India. The government has been regularly tyrannizing, downgrading, and enflaming hatred against the Muslim minority. This campaign has been slowly gathering momentum over the years and has reached new levels of intensity today

Indian cities witnessed dozens of anti-Muslim hate rallies attended by thousands of Hindus, often led and participated in by leaders of the BJP. Vast crowds, from young children to 80-year-olds marching in the streets, expressed Hindu rage calling for termites and bearded traitors, the names of Muslims in Modi’s India to be wiped from the face of India. They young women dressed in saffron performing traditional folk dances, holding placards asked Muslims to choose between Pakistan and the graveyard.

None of this has been spontaneous. Modi himself has been under criticism for failing to take responsibility to stop the 2002 riots in Gujarat that killed more than 1,000 people while he was chief minister there, and even for inflaming passions in the run-up to the massacres. Members of the BJP have continued to stoke hatred and inter-communal tensions since then.

A Hindu mob demolished the Babri mosque in 1992. The poisonous rhetoric is having an effect. After such events during celebrations commemorating the birth of Lord Rama, multiple attacks took place all over the country. The most prominent attack saw about 1,000 Hindu rioters set fire to a century-old Muslim religious school in the northern state of Bihar. They burned down the school’s library.

The Modi government has been systematically oppressing, marginalizing, and inciting hatred toward its 220-million Muslim minority. This campaign of hate politics under Modi’s patronage has brought disgrace to India.

India’s head is hanging in shame today because of Narendra Modi and his BJP’s hate politics. None of the Indian prime ministers brought so much shame to India as Modi has.