May 1st “These are the bitter times of laborers.”

Sheikh Wamq


Demands of Labor Day and Workers’ Rights Like the rest of the world, International Workers’ Day is being celebrated in Pakistan with the main purpose of raising the voice for the rights of workers in Chicago in the late 19th century. Along with reminding the departed people, it is also to highlight the importance and utility of the working class in the society. Rather, the holding of rallies and meetings will also be implemented and then there will be silence for a whole year. No one can deny the concrete fact that in our society the laborers do the most physical work, yet they are paid the least due to which they are forced to live in a state of poverty. The conditions of the workers can be estimated from the fact that a large section of the working class is deprived of the minimum wage set by our government – inflation is increasing so fast that the middle and wealthy classes It has not been possible for them to meet their expenses for the whole month and people are having to strangle their other needs to meet their needs. and sometimes the whole day is not enough and they have to go back home empty-handed. Nothing happens – the state has withdrawn its hands from the facilities for the common man – it is not possible for the poor laborer children to get education, they are also forced to pay for the treatment from their own pockets – the physician sitting in the clinics that are working in the streets at the moment. He is not charging less than 100 rupees from the patient for colds and fever. The question is whether a laborer who earns three or four rupees by working a whole day will pay one hundred rupees to treat himself or atta dal for his family. We have free education and children are also being provided free books by the government, but the expenses incurred on children’s copies and uniforms, is an ordinary worker with a limited income able to bear this burden? The energy crisis has made it so that when the power goes out, the most affected are the laborers who work as day laborers or who have to be excused as much as they would have worked in a factory. So it has the greatest effect on the common worker that the factory owner closes down his unit and the worker becomes unemployed. Dita- In these circumstances, it is necessary that the solidarity with the workers should not be limited to just celebrating one day, but concrete steps should be taken to protect the interests of those people who are constrained by inflation and financially weak. The best way would be to not only enact higher laws to ensure the observance of workers’ rights, but also to enforce them. At the same time, workers should not give up their struggle for their rights because it is very clear that until they raise their voices for their rights, no one will be ready to give them their rights. The demand of the day is for the working class to start a struggle for their rights. Voices should be raised for rights at the global level. In this regard, government and non-government organizations working for the welfare of labor professionals can play a significant role in the development of any country or society. It is important that the welfare and development of this section is also kept in mind so that the process of development of the society continues.