Justice Babar Sattar Rebukes FIA’s Intrusion: Asserts Independence of Judiciar

ISLAMBAD (NNP) Islamabad High Court Justice, Babar Sattar, delivered a resolute response to attempts by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) to influence proceedings, marking a robust defense of judicial independence. In a courtroom exchange that underscored the judiciary’s autonomy, Justice Sattar, presiding over the case, staunchly questioned the FIA’s locus standi, challenging the agency’s alignment with the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). With a hefty fine of Rs 5 lakh imposed on the FIA, Justice Sattar dismantled attempts to sway the case, emphasizing the importance of impartial adjudication. “What does FIA have to do with ISI? Is FIA a proxy of ISI?” Justice Sattar’s incisive query encapsulated the skepticism towards external interference in judicial matters. In his unwavering stance, Justice Sattar reiterated the gravity of the applications presented by esteemed institutions like the Intelligence Bureau (IB), FIA, and Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), while firmly scrutinizing the authority vested in those filing such applications. As the courtroom drama unfolded, the clash between the judiciary’s autonomy and external influence came to the fore, with Justice Sattar emerging as a stalwart guardian of judicial integrity.