The Prime Minister doubled down and announced: Raja Kamran Saleem

Islamabad ( NNP) Mamata Zaliber Leader Chairman All Pakistan Wapad Hydro Works Union Cantt Division Raja Kamran Saleem said that inflation and unemployment have made the white-collared class feel bad. Today, the most affected by the oppression of the situation is the laborers and the labor community, President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Mian Shahbaz Sharif on the occasion of May 1 International Workers’ Day paid the salaries of the government. Declare doubling. In a conversation with the workers’ delegation, he said that the international financial institutions kept giving instructions to the rulers to make worker-friendly policies, but no positive results were obtained. The central and provincial governments have taken revolutionary measures to improve the condition of the workers. Raja Ka Maran Saleem said that due to the ban on new recruitment, there has been a continuous vacancy in the Wapad offices in Islamabad, Rawalpindi. The Sami has added to the problem, even today the Rawalpindi office is engaged in public service with less staff. Chairman All Pakistan Wapad Hydro Works Union Cantt Division said that the working class of Pakistan is united under the leadership of the world-class leader Hanma Khor Sheed Ahmed.