Prominent Figures Join Pakistan Awami Quwat Party: Prioritizing Public Service and National Development

ISLAMBAD (NNP) Zaka Ullah Butt and Raja Ullah Ditta, two prominent political and social figures, have joined the Pakistan Awami Qot Party. They expressed their disillusionment with the current political landscape, where all parties have lost credibility and politicians are prioritizing personal gain over the country’s welfare. They praised the party’s chairman, Khakan Wali Khan, for his dedication to serving the people and addressing public issues, such as providing clean drinking water to the NA-48 constituency. Khakan Wali Khan welcomed the new members and emphasized the need for a sincere and dedicated approach to solve the country’s problems. He also highlighted the importance of investing in education and training for the youth, rather than just providing free rations, to enable them to earn a good name for the country abroad and contribute to the country’s economic growth.

This announcement suggests a significant development in the political landscape of Pakistan, with prominent figures joining a party that prioritizes public service and national developmen