President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Calls on Overseas Kashmiris to Expose Modi Government’s Nefarious Designs

ISLAMBAD (NNP) President Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry, emphasized the crucial role of overseas Kashmiris, particularly those in the United States, in shedding light on the oppressive tactics of the Modi government in the region. In a meeting with a Washington-based Kashmiri delegation led by Sardar Zulfiqar Roshan, President Chaudhry underscored the need for proactive engagement to counteract the escalating repression in Kashmir.

Addressing the gathering, President Chaudhry condemned the intensified crackdown by the Indian authorities ahead of parliamentary elections, noting the alarming rise in human rights violations aimed at stirring anti-Muslim sentiments. He reiterated concerns over Prime Minister Modi’s divisive Hindutva agenda, emphasizing the urgent need for international attention to the plight of Kashmiris.

Highlighting recent incidents, including the assassination of Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Najar in Canada allegedly by Indian agents, President Chaudhry emphasized India’s alleged support for terrorism, as revealed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the Canadian Parliament. He called for concerted efforts to expose India’s destabilizing actions on the global stage.

The visiting delegation commended President Chaudhry for his tireless advocacy for Kashmiri rights and pledged their full support in amplifying the Kashmiri cause internationally. They expressed readiness to collaborate in raising awareness and garnering diplomatic support to end the ongoing atrocities in Jammu and Kashmir.

As tensions continue to mount in the region, President Chaudhry’s call to action resonates with overseas Kashmiris, urging them to unite in solidarity against the Modi government’s oppressive policies.