United Nations Adopts Resolution to Combat Islamophobia: Second Anniversary Commemoration

Celebrants of International Day to Combat Islamophobia at the United Nations Welcomed the Adoption of Another UNGA Resolution to Combat Islamophobia

The second Anniversary of the International Day to Combat #Islamophobia was commemorated at the United Nations in New York today, 15 March 2024, with the adoption of a follow-up resolution by the United Nations General Assembly by a majority of 115 votes.

The Secretary-General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (#OIC), H.E. Mr. #Hissein_Brahim_Taha, welcomed the adoption of the follow-up resolution, which will help in combating Islamophobia globally.

Following the adoption of Resolution A/78/L.48 on Measures to Combat Islamophobia, the commemorative high-level event was held under the chairmanship of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in its capacity as Chair of 49 CFM and Chair of OIC Group Countries in New York.

The event received statements from the President of the United Nations General Assembly, the United Nations Secretary-General, and the OIC Secretary-General. Other opening statements were from the High Representative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilization and the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief.

Statements from heads of delegation representing United Nations member states welcomed the adoption of the new UNGA resolution, which among others, calls for the appointment of a Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General on Islamophobia. They also expressed willingness to work with the United Nations to promote a culture of peace, and interreligious and intercultural dialogue, including to combat religious intolerance, negative stereotyping, hatred, and incitement to violence based on one’s religion.