The relations between China and Pakistan are growing from strength to strength

The relations between China and Pakistan are growing from strength to strength. Economic and commercial cooperation, particularly under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is driving the current surge in bilateral relations.

Yunnan province of China is witnessing one of the highest GDP growth and is rapidly on the way to become China’s powerhouse towards South and Southeast Asia. Yunnan province offers immense investment, business and trade opportunities for Pakistani investors and businesspersons.

The Overseas Representative Office (ORO) of Yunnan Commerce in Pakistan in collaboration with Yunnan Provincial People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries is playing a leading role for initiating various social welfare and community uplift programs in Pakistan.

Under the name of “Yunnan Pani” the resident of various rural localities of Islamabad Capital territory (ICT) are provided an access for clean and safe drinking water by installing solar-powered wells / pumps and water Filtration units etc. The imitative is the best example of Community Participation by engaging the Masajids of area to use their already available wells and by constituting the Yunnan Pani Committee comprising of members from local community to take care of Security of Systems installed, repair and maintenance and smooth running of system to ensure the provision of clean drinking water to community.

Mr. Li Ping, Director of Overseas Representative Office of Yunnan Commerce in Pakistan, recently, inaugurated five systems in the locality of Tarnol & Sarai Kharboza in coordination with ICT Administration Islamabad and handed over to the respective local communities of the areas. Sizeable number of people is benefitting from this facility at their doorstep, which earlier lacked of clean drinking water facility.

Mr. Li Ping informed that the province plans to continue and expand such social impact contributions in future as well.