10-month-old aggression raises risks of war in Middle East: Dr Zeeshan Najam

Islamabad (Kharbarar) The main leader of Pakistan Consciousness Movement, Engineer Dr. Zeeshan Najam Khan, has said that the danger of war in the Middle East may increase with Israel’s 10-month aggression against Palestine. There is an urgent need to align international public opinion against the freedom of the occupied state of Jammu and Kashmir and atrocities on Palestine. India and Israel are oppressive and oppressive countries of the world who are enemies of Muslims. Islamic countries should take effective measures internationally for the rights of Muslims. India is also involved in the internal affairs of Pakistan and especially in terrorism, due to which there are daily suicide attacks to target the security forces. Pakistan forces have a courageous role to end terrorism. Pakistan Army is the protector of our borders. is In a special session, he said that while paying tribute to the military officers and policemen who died in the jihad against terrorism, he said that the entire nation stands with them like a leaden wall. He has been continuously violating the resolutions of the United Nations. Engineer Dr. Zeeshan Najam Khan has said that the 10 months of Israel’s aggression against Palestine may increase the risk of war in the Middle East. Engineer Dr. Zeeshan Najam Khan said that the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir have always rejected the rule of India. Kashmiris living all over the world, especially the oppressed Kashmiris of Occupied Kashmir, reject these fake, fake elections. The international community should play its role to stop the fake elections. The leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Shabihat further said that the nation rejects the mock elections held at gunpoint in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the referendum cannot be replaced by mock elections under the control of Indian forces.