Psychological Assessment Activity at women University of AJK Bagh

Bagh:An activity of Psychological Assessment was arranged at Youth Development Center (YDC) by the Department of Education under supervision of Head of Department Dr. M. Asghar Ali. Focal person of this activity was Ms. Haseena Ashfaq Lecturer Psychology.

This psychological assessment desk comprised of blend of structured evaluations, insightful interactions, and meticulous documentation which involved synthesizing assessment findings into a cohesive report. This entails organizing information, formulating diagnostic impressions, and providing clear and actionable recommendations tailored to the needs of the client and relevant stakeholders.

After completing reports, time is allocated to provide feedback to participants. This involved discussing assessment findings, clarifying diagnoses, and outlining recommendations.The day concludes with meticulous documentation of assessment sessions, updating client records, and attending to administrative tasks to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and maintain the integrity of client files.